Accident Cessna 208B Grand Caravan PR-AAB, Wednesday 6 March 2024
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Date:Wednesday 6 March 2024
Time:17:16 UTC
Type:Silhouette image of generic C208 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
Owner/operator:Polícia Federal Brasil
Registration: PR-AAB
MSN: 208B0903
Year of manufacture:2001
Fatalities:Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 3
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Belo Horizonte/Pampulha - Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport, MG (PLU) -   Brazil
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:Belo Horizonte/Pampulha - Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport, MG (PLU/SBBH)
Destination airport:Belo Horizonte/Pampulha - Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport, MG (PLU/SBBH)
Investigating agency: CENIPA
Confidence Rating: Information verified through data from accident investigation authorities
A Cessna 208B Grand Caravan operated by the Federal Police crashed on takeoff from runway 31 at Belo Horizonte Pampulha Airport (PLU/SBBH). Two of the three onboard died.

After takeoff, the engine failed and the pilots attempted an emergency landing on the opposite threshold. The aircraft collided with the ground.


Weather about the accident time (1716Z):
SBBH 061600Z 25009KT 9999 -SHRA BKN040 FEW045TCU 27/22 Q1017
SBBH 061700Z 27009KT 9999 SCT040 FEW045TCU 31/19 Q1016
SBBH 061800Z 35006KT 9999 SCT040 FEW045TCU 30/21 Q1016

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: CENIPA
Report number: 
Status: Preliminary report
Download report: Preliminary report




Photo: Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Minas Gerais

Rio de Janeiro International Airport (SBGL-GIG), 02/22/2022


Revision history:

06-Mar-2024 19:24 aus Added
06-Mar-2024 19:29 ASN Updated [Registration, Cn, Phase, Source, Embed code]
06-Mar-2024 19:31 ASN Updated [Time, Embed code]
06-Mar-2024 19:33 ASN Updated [Operator, Narrative]
06-Mar-2024 19:39 ASN Updated [Embed code, Photo]
07-Mar-2024 06:54 cleberjc Updated [Location, Nature, Source, Embed code, Category]
07-Mar-2024 18:30 Anon. Updated [Nature, Source]
15-Mar-2024 17:48 ASN Updated [Narrative, Accident report]
11-Jun-2024 14:15 drcarneiro Updated [Photo]

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