Accident Air Tractor AT-602 N115AA, Friday 14 June 2024
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Date:Friday 14 June 2024
Type:Silhouette image of generic AT6T model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Air Tractor AT-602
Owner/operator:McCallister Aviation Rentals & Sales LLC
Registration: N115AA
MSN: 602-1210
Year of manufacture:2011
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:near Broseley, MO -   United States of America
Phase: Manoeuvring (airshow, firefighting, ag.ops.)
Departure airport:Broseley, MO (private)
Destination airport:Broseley, MO (private)
Investigating agency: NTSB
Confidence Rating: Information verified through data from accident investigation authorities
On June 14, 2024, about 0700 central daylight time, an Air Tractor AT-602 airplane, N115AA, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Broseley, Missouri. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 agricultural flight.

The operator reported that the pilot departed a private airstrip about 0600. At takeoff, the fuel load was about three-quarters capacity, and the hopper was fully loaded.

An individual located about 2 miles from the accident site reported hearing what he believed was the accident airplane for a total of about 15 minutes. The pilot seemed to be flying in the vicinity of the accident site, and for most of that time, the sound of the engine seemed normal. However, toward the end of that time the pitch of the engine increased slightly for about 3 or 4 seconds before the sound then completely faded away. He did not hear the airplane again after that nor did he hear the impact.

The sheriff’s office reported that an individual contacted their office about 0830 to report the airplane was overdue. A search located the accident site a short time afterward.

The accident site was located about 3 miles northeast of the departure airstrip and about 1/2- mile southeast of the field being sprayed. The airplane impacted a wooded area adjacent to a soybean field and a postimpact fire ensued. The soybeans were 2 – 3 ft high, and the trees were 20 – 30 ft tall. There were no power lines, towers, or guy wires observed in the immediate vicinity of the accident site.

The airplane came to rest upright about 35 ft from the south edge of the woods oriented on a southwest heading. The propeller assembly with the engine power section module attached was located adjacent to the impact crater. The power section had separated from the remainder of the engine assembly. A portion of the left wingtip including the navigation/strobe light assembly was located approximately 160 ft east of the main wreckage at the edge of the wooded area.

Multiple tree propeller cuts and tree breaks were present in the immediate vicinity of the wreckage. One tree, about 14-inches in diameter near the base, was broken off about 12 ft above ground level. It also exhibited five propeller cuts beginning about seven ft above ground level and progressively increasing in depth moving lower on the tree.

No position data was available for the accident flight. The airplane was equipped with a satellite tracking system; however, that system was destroyed the post-impact fire. A search for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) data by the Federal Aviation Administration determined that no data was available.

The airplane was retained for further examination.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: NTSB
Report number: 
Status: Preliminary report
Download report: Preliminary report




Revision history:

15-Jun-2024 01:36 Geno Added
15-Jun-2024 11:47 Anon. Updated [Registration, Cn, Source]
17-Jun-2024 13:57 Anon. Updated [Operator]
27-Jun-2024 21:47 Captain Adam Updated [Time, Location, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, Category, Accident report]

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