Accident Bell 505 Jet Ranger X T7-VIT, Wednesday 26 June 2024
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Date:Wednesday 26 June 2024
Time:15:53 UTC
Type:Silhouette image of generic B505 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Bell 505 Jet Ranger X
Registration: T7-VIT
Year of manufacture:2024
Fatalities:Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed, written off
Location:Saint-Raphaël, Var -   France
Phase: En route
Departure airport:Cannes-Mandelieu Airport (CEQ/LFMD)
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
A helicopter crashed under unknown circumstances in the Estérel mountains, Var, nine minutes after takeoff from Cannes-Mandelieu Airport (CEQ).
Both occupants ( Ukrainian national ) died in the crash. The helicopter was destroyed.

"It was a "small helicopter, not a government helicopter", according to the fire department. There was no collateral damage. "There was no outbreak of fire", say the fire department."
At the time of the accident, weather conditions were good in the Var department, with no precipitation or windy spells.
A witness, a resident of a villa near the campsite, testifies: "I heard a big boom, followed by several smaller explosions. Then I saw a column of smoke without knowing what it was."
"I thought it was a thunderclap".





Revision history:

27-Jun-2024 05:47 gerard57 Added
27-Jun-2024 06:16 gerard57 Updated [Source]
27-Jun-2024 06:17 ASN Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Location, Departure airport, Source]
27-Jun-2024 06:21 ASN Updated [Time, Source, Narrative]
27-Jun-2024 09:44 Iceman 29 Updated [Narrative]
28-Jun-2024 20:54 Iceman 29 Updated [Embed code, Narrative, Category]
28-Jun-2024 20:55 Iceman 29 Updated [Embed code, Narrative]
28-Jun-2024 20:57 Iceman 29 Updated [Embed code, Photo]

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